link to sign petition to the FCC: the great people at bold progressives came this email:
BREAKING: The New York Times just reported that Comcast will block Netflix unless a new fee is paid to Comcast -- so Netflix's price goes up and people use Comcast's video service instead.
This outrageous abuse of power by Comcast comes on the very week that President Obama's FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski will announce whether he'll fulfill Obama's promise to protect the open Internet and Net Neutrality -- which would prevent this type of corporate abuse.
The FCC needs to hear from us now, before the chairman's big announcement this week.
Sign our message to the FCC: "Don't let Comcast block Netflix or other online innovators for their own profit! Support the strongest Net Neutrality protections possible -- and keep Obama's promise." Click here.
Then, please tell your friends. Over 20,000 people signed already -- and we'll deliver these messages to the FCC this week. Sign here.
What else could Comcast do if the FCC doesn't protect Net Neutrality?
Internet providers like Comcast can drive their financial competitors (or political opponents) out of business by charging them more, for no good reason -- exactly what's happening right now.
For instance, Comcast could block or degrade iTunes, which competes with Comcast's own online music store.
Worse, the FCC will soon decide whether to allow Comcast to buy NBC!
Not only would that make these bad actors Keith Olbermann's boss, but can you imagine what Comcast will do to block customers from getting services from ABC, CBS, and other media outlets? This is way more serious than just movies -- the FCC's decision impacts pretty much everything.
Tell the FCC to stop Comcast's abuse of power and protect the open Internet. Click here -- then pass it on.
Thanks for being a bold progressive,
Adam Green, Jason Rosenbaum, Stephanie Taylor, Forrest Brown, and the PCCC team
P.S. You can read excerpts from the New York Times story on the petition page.