For today only -- we'll see about tomorrow -- I've been sold on the goodness of the ongoing Wikileaks release, although it is still only up to 290 out of 251,000 total on the "Cable Viewer" site. (I'm not even looking at that before it cracks four digits or 1/250th of the total.)
http://cablegate.wikileaks.org/The persuader was none other than Mr. 21-year CIA veteran Bob Baer, now a columnist for that flagship of pure journalism, TIME magazine (that Henry Luce Zombie-thing that curiously is still publishing).
Baer was just on the WNYC/NPR Brian Lehrer Show and decried the release in plain and pained language, giving as his examples the following:
1) It may make it harder for "us" to conduct illegal surprise drone bombings in Yemen and pretend that it's actually Yemenese forces doing the bombing;
2) It may make it harder for "us" to get clearance for air routes over Arab countries to bomb Iran, if "we" decide that's what "we" need to do, which decision really should be left to "us" as he understands "us," which is to say, certainly not you, dear reader, but them;
3) In general, it gets in the way of state officials saying one thing to the public and pursuing a different, contrary policy in secret.
He specifically said that exposing "duplicity" is bad, as this is essential to "diplomacy." It's especially bad to let the Arab peoples know (or to confirm by documentation what is already obvious) that their unelected tyrants are telling them one thing and in secret saying something else to their US backers.
Although Baer (author of a book on the "New Iranian Superpower," no less, now I'm scared) claims to have supported the Pentagon Papers release back in the day (when he would have been 19 years old and apparently at Culver Military Academy in Indiana, according to his bio on Wikipedia), he is incensed that anyone other than the Executive branch should be deciding what is secret and what is not.
His comments echo the contempt for democracy and transparency that characterizes both the State Department cables and, in general, the ruling and policy-making elites of this and many other countries. They must be allowed to lie to us -- the only possible real "us," we the people -- because otherwise it would be much harder for them to do whatever they've secretly decided is necessary.
During the morning's discussion you also had a series of very angry Joe Blow callers demanding the death of Julian Assange, stat, including one guy who was pretty sure that if only this was still the 1970s, Assange would already be "taken out," or "disappeared." This one offered that he would do the job himself, if the government would only give him the gun and point him at the target.
Lehrer, a scold who is extremely stingy on giving time to callers and always looking to spin whatever is said to his next talking point, let these guys go on for much longer than is usual for him. He repeatedly announced upcoming segments with the tag line, "More reactions as the Wikileaks information BOMB EXPLODES ON EVERY CONTINENT," which besides making me gag also prompts the question: When do we get the Antarctica memos?
So yeah, notwithstanding the so-far extremely limited release and the "Bomb Iran, Gossip About Prince Andrew" spin being put on it by the gatekeeper press organs who so far get to pick and choose which cables to release in which way, for today I'm a big fan of Assange -- whatever he might really turn out to be.