In the past couple of months we've had Oakland cops gun down a deer who wandered onto someone's patio, then an 11-year-old arthritic Lab who had the misfortune to be outside when her humans' burglar alarm went off (At least they were polite enough to leave a note. :eyes: ).
Today, no cops -- just goats (and the
subhumans who neglect them). Alameda County judge has ordered two men connected to a company that provides brush-clearing goats to stand trial on charges of animal neglect.
Prosecutors said Monday that Judge Paul Fogel found at the conclusion of a preliminary hearing that there was sufficient evidence against Egon Oyarzun, 48, and Wilfredo Felix, 40, for the men to face trial.
Oyarzun is co-owner of Orinda-based Goats R Us. Felix is a herder with the company.
The two men were arrested after animal control officers say they found 10 of the company's goats dead in October in Oakland.:wtf: