The Effort to Claim That Economists Support Obama's Capitulation on Tax Cuts for the Wealthy
William K. Black, 12.10.2010
Assoc. Professor, Univ. of Missouri, Kansas City; Sr. regulator during S&L debacle
You know the Obama administration is desperate when it creates a web page citing economists who support its capitulation on taxes. And what do you know, these economists are all "wealth managers" or from major banks. This shows that Obama is continuing to promote the views of his virulent opponents, who gloried in and profited from the Democrats' recent electoral and legislative defeats.
The web page cites the support of five economists. Peter Cardillo, the Bank of America, Greg Mankiw, and Wells Fargo (are the second through fifth economists on Obama's list). Who are these supporters and why is the administration proud of their support? Cardillo is an economist for an investment firm, Avalon Partners. Avalon's web site states that it specializes in "wealth management" for "affluent meet the unique needs of high net worth individuals...." Yes, the wealthiest one-hundredth of one percent of Americans -- the truly, uniquely needy.
The administration's web site gives pride of placement to Avalon Partners' support of Obama's decision to support the extension of Bush's dramatic reduction in the taxes its ultra-wealthy clients will pay. That tax reduction will make Cardillo and his senior colleagues at Avalon Partners, themselves among the wealthiest Americans. Obama's capitulation on tax breaks for the richest one percent of Americans is worth tens of thousands of dollars personally to Cardillo and hundreds of millions of dollars to Avalon's clients. Mr. Cardillo does not support Obama's capitulation -- he rejoices in it.
Indeed, he has said in a recent interview that the reduction in taxes for the elites has helped fuel a "Santa Claus" rally in stocks. Obama played St. Nick for the wealthiest of Americans to the tune of tens of billions of dollars.
The reasons that Cardillo supports the bill are obvious. The mystery is why Obama fails to realize that his support demonstrates why Obama's capitulation is so harmful to the nation. At a time when income inequality has reached record levels in modern America and crippled our democracy Obama has given in to bullies who made increased inequality their central goal.
Obama claims that he capitulated to the Republicans on taxes for the wealthiest in order to reduce unemployment. Here's what Cardillo said about Obama and unemployment just before the midterm elections:
"As far as corporate America hiring again it's basically dependent on what happens in Washington," says Peter Cardillo, chief economist at Avalon Partners in New York. "If the opposition party should gain enough seats to perhaps reverse the present administration's policies somewhat, then I think you'll see a big pickup in employment."
Obama has promoted the views of one of his most virulent opponents, who gloried in and profited from his and the Democrats' recent electoral and legislative defeats. Simultaneously, Obama launched another petulant attack on his strongest supporters. The administration's daily floggings will continue until morale improves among progressives. Generations of political scientists will marvel at this administration's self-destructive reflexes.More at..........