Anyone who watched FOX GOP Network during the New York Mosque uprising should be well aware of how Republicans see Muslims. They fear Muslims, they think that "not all muslims are terrorists", but "all terrorists are Muslim. They believe that Muslims are evil.......they do not like Muslims. They may tolerate a few who side with them, and use them to spew their talking points from time to time, but make no mistake about it, Republicans do not like Muslims. They don't like blacks, gays, jews and those who don't practice the Christian faith, but that's another post. Most Republicans have no compassion, their lives are spent trying to force this country to be what they want it to be, to look like they want it to look and to share their warped religious beliefs. They want wealth in the hands of a few who "deserve" it....some actually believe that it is Gods will they have the wealth and power like the C-street crowd believe. The rest of us are simply rabble.....those who should follow their lead and do what they and their corporate masters want. So their hate is not limited to Muslims, but Republicans, GOP FOX Network and most conservatives, have a deep seated hatred and fear of Muslims. If they can get one or two to agree with their warped way of thinking, FOX GOP Network will milk that for all it's worth. They will use that person until they figure it out, then they will turn around and demonize the very same person they once used to point out that they are not Muslim Haters. They hate everything about Muslims and fear Mosques being built in this country. They fear Muslims in our government, Muslims in our armed forces and even future Pregnant Muslim women coming here pregnant with Muslim babies to be the next home grown Muslim/American terrorists lol. If I didn't laugh, I'd cry. So, Mr Hasan has finally opened his eyes and mind to this harsh reality. It has always been there, but it took Nancy Pelosi to finally help him see. I hope other Republican Muslims, Blacks, Gays, Atheists, and Mexicans realize that the Republican GOP FOX Network uses them to further their political goals in this country. When they use you up, they will simply demonize you and discard you. The Republicans have a very small tent and if you don't subscribe to their ideology in lock step and in whole, you are not one of them. If you are not one of them, then you are the enemy in their war to take this country back to a place where certain people new their place, their form of Christianity has a place in politics to use and abuse those who do not agree, and the rich white corporate Republicans rule the rest of us. They want thing the way they were......Republican really want 1. A Christian Nation, 2. All brown people sent back to their own country, 3. All blacks back in dem ol cotton fields, 4. All gays either back in the closet, jail or dead.......these are the big ones on their "what I want for Christmas list", and if they can't get all of that in this ever developing and changing country, then they might as well get more power and money for themselves and the corporations. So Mr Hasan, welcome to the party who appreciates you and wishes you well. We support your freedom to worship, love who you want to, build your Mosques and live unmolested by bigoted, hateful, mentally ill Republican GOP FOX Network types and their white power militia friends making back room deals to harm those whom which they disagree and in fact, and in most cases, as all their type of Christians do, Hate. If there is a God, and I believe in a powerful, universal sense there is, May that God help us all. LouSlobbs