NBC's ''Meet the Press''-Mike Bloomberg, Austan Goolsbee
Rep. Anthony Weiner, Harold Ford Jr., Savannah Guthrie, Paul Gigot
CBS' ''Face the Nation'' - David Axelrod,Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) and former DNC Chair Howard Dean.
ABC's ''This Week'' With Christiane Amanpour"- David Axelrod, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and former Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni.
George Will, Cokie Roberts, Matthew Dowd and Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman. Plus, an exclusive interview with Gordon Brown
CNN's ''State of the Union''- David Axelrod, Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and Reps. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) and Jim McDermott (D-Wash.)
Dennis Blair, the former director of national intelligence.
''Fox News Sunday''- Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), outgoing DCCC Chair Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) and Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer
Washington Journal- 7:05 On the Phone,JIM TANKERSLEY National Journal Economics Correspondent Topic: A look at the National Journal cover piece on manufacturing & what the next wave might look like.
7:40 On the Phone, STEVEN DENNIS Roll Call Reporter Topic: A preview of the week ahead in Congress, as well as what they need to get done on the legislative calendar if they want to leave by Friday.
7:45-8:30 TIM FERNHOLZ R/T American Prospect Staff Writer PHILIP KLEIN American Spectator Washington Correspondent Topic: We will discuss the week’s events in Congress and at the White House, including the future of tax deal reached between Pres. Obama and congressional Republicans; the transition to a GOP-controlled House in next year’s 112th Congress; and 2012 presidential politics.
8:30-9:15 ROBIN WRIGHT United States Institute of Peace Foreign Policy Analyst Topic: Discussion on the international community’s next step toward Iran.
9:15-10:00 DARREN SAMUELSOHN Politico Senior Energy & Environmental Reporter Topic: An update on the just wrapped up climate change talks in Cancun.
9:20 On the Phone,MYRON EBELL Competitive Enterprise Institute Global Warming Policy Director Topic: The climate negotiations, whether these meetings are worth the time of the participants & his thoughts on climate change & the Kyoto Protocol.
9:40 On the Phone, PATRICK MOORE Clean & Safe Energy Coalition Co-Chair casenergy.org Topic: A discussion on the U.N. climate negotiations & the guest’s view on including nuclear energy as an aspect of clean energy. He is the former head & co-founder of Greenpeace Host: Steve Scully
GPS with Fareed Zakaria:-The President cut a deal with the GOP to continue the Bush tax cuts while extending unemployment benefits. Fareed's take on the issue? It's a missed opportunity to invest in America's long term growth. And he'll tell you about a country that seems to be setting itself up for the future, while the U.S. is putting more on the credit card.
Next up, he's the most decorated soldier in Israel, a former Prime Minister, and that nation's current Minister of Defense. Ehud Barak sits down with Fareed to talk about what we all know -- thanks to Wikileaks - his country and a few of its Arab neighbors might have in common: the fear of a nuclear Iran. Barak also talks about how to move the peace process forward.
Then, one of the Republican party's top women on why the GOP has the wrong attitude after its electoral victory. Former member of President George W. Bush's cabinet and former New Jersey Governor Christie Todd Whitman on fixing that attitude problem...and on Sarah Palin's chances for 2012. And what in the world: Glenn Beck says 10% of the world's Muslims are terrorists. Could that be true? After that, a GPS panel on how China handled the Nobel Peace Prize controversy and what's behind that nation's aggressive foreign policy moves?
And finally a look at the Star of David, in the last place on earth you might expect to find it.
C-SPAN’s “Newsmakers”- Sen. Carl Levin
TV One’s “Washington Watch” - Gene Sperling, counselor to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Rep. Barbara Lee
Bloomberg TV’s “Political Capital” - Paul Ryan, Kent Conrad
CNN’s “Reliable Sources”-AmericaBlog.com's John Aravosis, Washington Examiner's Julie Mason, PoliticsDaily.com's Matt Lewis and Twitter Co-Founder Biz Stone
NBC Chris Matthews- Andrea Mitchell, Michael Duffy, Helene Cooper, Andrew Sullivan
60 Minutes- Rep. Boehner's Pledge to Fight the Deficit, Brazil's Rising Star, Frank Talk from the Cowboys' Jerry Jones
http://www.cbsnews.com/sections/60minutes/main3415.shtml?tag=hdr;snavSunday Breakfast Menu