Bloomberg NewsAmericans, who voted for a divided government in November, say they want the parties to work together, with a majority opposing at all costs any federal shutdown over budget matters, a Bloomberg National Poll shows....9 out of 10 say they want Democrats and Republicans in Congress to cooperate to solve the nation’s problems, according to the poll conducted Dec. 4-7.
The Republican Party, a month after an electoral triumph that netted 63 seats and control of the U.S. House, gains in the U.S. Senate, and increases in state offices, remains unpopular, with a plurality having a negative view. Democrats do slightly better: A plurality have a favorable impression of that party....
President Barack Obama is more popular than either party, with 52 percent of Americans holding a favorable view, compared with 44 percent unfavorable. In an October poll, 55 percent held a positive opinion and 40 percent a negative one....
Obama’s re-election numbers are higher than those Clinton had two years into his first term, in a Gallup poll. In October 1994, 38 percent said he was worthy of a second term. He won in 1996 with 49 percent of the vote.
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Our opponents are great at marching in lockstep goose step like the Fascists they seem to emulate. But then their Big Shot Billionaire contributors give them their marching orders IMHO.
We cannot afford to let our inability to close ranks defeat us. The time to close ranks for a worthwhile result albeit less than ideal, is fast dissapearing.
Time for us who know their history to let the lessons from the 20th century be known to all:
Right Wing
Super Wealthy Funded
Propaganda Pumping
w/ Scapegoating