Edited on Mon Dec-13-10 12:04 AM by TomCADem
I do not give Republicans a free pass. When the latest effort to repeal DADT failed, I did not give Republicans a free pass. I did not ignore the roll call that showed that most Democrats in Congress supported repeal, and I did not ignore President Obama's support of the Pentagon study supporting repeal. Most importantly, I did not ignore the fact that almost all Republicans voted against repeal the way the Log Cabin Republicans often do in criticizing the White House.
On tax cuts, I did not ignore the fact that the House Democrats and Senate Democrats voted in favor of bills allowing tax cuts for the rich to expire, and that President Obama supported these bills! I also did not ignore that Republicans en masse voted to hold the middle class hostage on tax cuts and unemployment benefits in order to hold out for an extension of tax cuts to the rich. Yet, the bulk of posts are critical of the Democrats.
The moderators have said that they want to tolerate a wide range of views that are critical, if not downright hostile, to Democrats in order to accomodate DUers who want to hold Democrats accountable.
Fine, well can we have a forum that holds Republicans accountable? I am sure some trolls will try to launch anti-Democratic tirades on the grounds that so and so Democrat is really a closet Republican, but we can kick such posts to General Discussion.
The Corporate Media generally gives Republicans a free pass on their hypocrisy and idiocy. Sadly, DU is starting to look similar with anti-Republican posts being ignored while anti-Democratic posts get numerous K&Rs.
Lets have a forum that is focused on holding Republicans accountable and defeating Republicans in 2012!