Edited on Mon Dec-13-10 05:52 AM by BigBearJohn
Man Invents Machine To Convert Plastic Into Oil The machine produced in various sizes, for both industrial and home uses, can easily transform a kilogram of plastic waste into a liter of oil, using about 1 kW·h of electricity but without emitting CO2 in the process. The machine uses a temperature controlling electric heater instead of flames, processing anything from polyethylene or polystyrene to polypropylene (numbers 2-4). Comment: 1 kg of plastic produces one liter of oil, which costs $1.50. This process uses only about 1 kW·h of electricity, which costs less than 20 cents!
Just imagine the possibilities: For example, getting rid of this floating garbage dump the size of Texas:
Note: I looked on Snopes and one of the quotes says: ( "Scam? In the sense that the company might overstate the economics of such a device, perhaps, although it's quite clear they're only selling demonstration models. A device of such small size would not be practical. My BS meter pinged a bit on this too, but the claims of the device are backed by prior work and publications, so I have every reason to believe it works more or less as described.)
Source: http://message.snopes.com/showthread.php?t=67107