unhappycamper note: Since the ‘Pentagon’ (DoD? Gannett?) has ‘requested’ that I only post one paragraph from articles on Army Times, and Airforce Times, To keep in that same (new) tradition, I will also do the same for for articles on Navy Times, Marine Corps Times, stripes.com and military.com.
To read the article in the military's own words, you will need to click the link.
Read all about Fair Use here. It sure is beginning to smell like fascism.
unhappycamper summary of this article: The F-35B program is currently under review - methinks the Corps is trying to plant the idea that the $243+ million dollar F-35 is a good idea.
MCAS Yuma Getting 88 F-35BsDecember 12, 2010
Knight Ridder/Tribune
Marine Corps Air Station Yuma will be the home of 88 of the Marine Corps' new vertical takeoff F-35B Joint Strike Fighter, according to a basing decision signed Thursday by the Department of the Navy.