Why does Sarah Palin call it the "Lame Stream Media?" Well, compare how a traditional newspaper and a cyber-patriot cover the same news story:
The Kingsport Times-News
A Sweetwater man was sentenced to 60 days in jail for trying to arrest a Monroe County grand jury foreman who refused to indict President Obama on treason charges.
A Madisonville jury on Tuesday found Walter Fitzpatrick III guilty of disrupting a meeting and resisting arrest. He was found not guilty of retaliation and civil rights intimidation.
The Navy veteran on April 1 tried to make a citizen's arrest on the grand jury foreman, contending his chairmanship was illegal. Fitzgerald had wanted Obama indicted because he believes the president is not an American citizen. Obama was born in Hawaii.Confederate States Militia blogger GySgt Bob
Pinkstaff (must be a typo--let's call him GySgt Mightystaff), USMC (Retired)
HERO & PATRIOT, Lt commander Walter Fitzpatrick U.S. Navy Retired, is being held AGAINST HIS WILL and under EXTREME DURESS, by the corrupt Monroe County Tennessee "NAZI GESTAPO" for questioning the eligibility of the traitorous & evil muslim communist USURPER, barack hussein obama to hold the office as prez and CIC! This miscarriage of justice is just another example of proof that the United States of America is no longer governed by the U.S. Constitution!! The United States of America is now being governed by the communist New World Order (NWO)!!
Believe it or not, the corrupt "Monroe County Tennessee Gulag & Nazi Gestapo" is located right here in the United States of America, not Communist Russia, China, North Korea, Vietnam etc, but right here in the good ole USA!! This miscarriage of justice is just another example of proof that the United States of America is no longer governed by the U.S. Constitution!! The United States of America is now being governed by the communist New World Order (NWO)!!
The "Monroe County Tennessee Gulag & Nazi Gestapo" is a by product of the traitorous & evil muslim communist USURPER, barack hussein obama, the 111th congress, the SCOTUSCP, federal/state judges, Joint Chiefs of Staff & all high ranking decision making U.S. Military officers!! This miscarriage of justice is just another example of proof that the United States of America is no longer governed by the U.S. Constitution!! The United States of America is now being governed by the communist New World Order (NWO)!!http://patriotboy.blogspot.com/2010/12/lame-stream-media-vs-gysgt-bob.html