Edited on Mon Dec-13-10 11:29 AM by ChoppinBroccoli
It would seem that the right-wing is now emboldened by the fact that they won a few seats in the Congress recently, their hero Fredo Bush has released a book, and the fact that he is able to brag in a national TV interview about committing war crimes and not be prosecuted for it. And now it looks like they're trying to take back Bush's legacy as President too, with........you guessed it............more lies. I found this steaming pile of horse excrement in the "Letters to the Editor" section of one of my local newspapers. Since I'm certain that most right-wingers are incapable of having an original thought, I was hoping that some other posters may have encountered similar letters in their own newspapers (as I'm sure this is just another set of "marching orders" handed down from on high). Last week, this local newspaper printed a review of the movie "Fair Game," and this particular reader got offended. Why? Because of all the lies in the movie. Big lies. You know, well-documented lies like the ones about how there weren't any WMDs in Iraq. I know, right? Just get a load of this nonsense (reprinted verbatim for your reading pleasure):
"Progressives need to check their facts about WMDs:
Chad Dull's review of the movie 'Fair Game' needs some fact-checking.
Dull states that, 'Wilson's assertion that there was no evidence to support the charge that Niger sold yellow-cake uranium to Iraq, thus weakening the Bush administration's case for the invasion of Iraq.'
The Bush administration charged that Iraq sought yellow cake from Niger.
The Akashat (Iraq) mine produced uranium ore. Al Qaim (Iraq) produced refined yellow cake uranium ore. Iraq had an extensive nuclear program in all aspects. (emphasis mine)
In addition to the extensive nuclear program, Iraq had all kinds of weapons of mass destruction. To educate yourself, read Iraq General (retired) George Sada's book 'Saddam's Secrets' in which he and Iraqi scientists attest to Saddam's building, buying and seeking WMDs. They spell out how Iraq hid his weapons from the UN and how they secretly removed weapons from Iraq through Syria.
Progressives need to check their 'facts.'
Lou Hirsch Columbus"