Is it the idealistic Dem complainers? Dem bloggers? Those of us wanting change? Those expecting Obama to pay their mortgage and car payment?
NO, I SAY. It is the rethugs that cleverly repeated as a mantra the supposed pinnacle claims of Obama. Transparency, and the end of partisan rancor. Things directly in the hands of Rethugs to dispute, and instigate to a stall. I heard a million times from Hannity and similar fools. Obama will light the sky. He will wipe away all tears.
This tactic would not have left the launchpad, if not for Fox news, as shill and catapulter of the propaganda. And why did we bite? Because, like the teabaggers, our newfound Dem voters were unpolished. Unaccustomed to political involvement.
Is that all? NO. A trick of the Rethugs is to pay overwhelming attention to Obama the candidate's claims of his ability to effect change. While forgetting that the economic view of reality, was forever changed, a week or so before he was sworn in.
The Rethugs have been using the two santa technique, to deny any Dem pres.the tools needed to achieve any agenda item. They even admit it. Then, they act shocked, when their strategy ruins America. They revel in any Dems frustration with the lack of political tools left with which to operate.
Folks, they are in on the joke. They are cynical enough to laugh at our countries position, and expect to profit from their treasonous actions. So what if millions are impoverished. So what if other countries scoff at our hypocritical pontifications.
They win, we lose, and so it goes.