The NationIf you line up the events of the past two weeks in Washington with the statements made by politicians about them, it's more or less impossible to make sense of the deal struck between the White House and Congressional Republicans, which would extend the Bush tax cuts for two more years and unemployment benefits for thirteen months, with some additional stimulative tax cuts thrown in.
And yet, amazingly, these same Republicans (and a few conservative Democrats), who love to offer lectures about the necessity of shared sacrifice, also spent the week demanding that all the Bush tax cuts be made permanent, a policy that would increase the debt over the next ten years by an astounding $3.3 trillion. Occasionally, you would find politicians oscillating madly between these two positions in the same paragraph or media appearance, reaching its reductio ad absurdum with a blog post about Kent Conrad's views on the matter that George Stephanopoulos headlined: Sen. Conrad: Extend All Tax Cuts; Time to Get 'Serious' About Deficit.
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