Steve King today explained the Republican strategy for repealing health care reform, acknowledging that, though a full repeal would probably be vetoed by President Obama, they intend to "start marching down through the appropriations bills, every one of them, putting language in them that prohibits any of the funds that are appropriated from being used to either implement or enforce ObamaCare."
Speaking on Fox And Friends, King (R-IA) said that he wants to bring a bill up in the House that's a "clean repeal" and, if it passes, "send that over to the Senate and get them working on the repeal of ObamaCare." He added that despite a likely presidential veto, "we need a test vote so we know where people stand" so they can begin declawing the bill through the appropriations process.
As we've reported, Republicans have for some time acknowledged that a full repeal is unlikely, but have promised to "use whatever means are available to delay implementation of Obamacare," as Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) put it, citing the "power of the purse."
King, for his part, added that he believes the next president "will receive a mandate to sign the repeal of ObamaCare, and I'm hopeful we can do that, maybe January 20th, 2013."
Video at the link ---
Tell me again, compromising with Republicans got us *what*? :sarcasm: