CEO says end Bush tax cutsBryan Bedford, the leader of Republic Airways, told a gathering of about 300 local business leaders last week that he is in favor of letting the George W. Bush-era tax cuts expire.
With the United States approaching a $14 trillion debt balance and a budget deficit of $1.5 trillion, sacrifices are required, Bedford said at The Business Journal’s Power Breakfast at The Pfister Hotel in Milwaukee.
“But the question is, who is going to make that sacrifice?”
“I understand the economics of tax increases,” Bedford said. “The fact is, they are going to happen. I think the best thing that could happen, frankly, is that the Bush-era tax cuts expire. Maybe they can do it in a way where nobody is responsible. That seems to be the political climate that we live in.”
“It doesn’t matter whether you’re in the business of running an airline or in the business of governing a country, at the end of the day you’ve got to pay your bills,” Bedford said. “This is really a question of national character.”
Bedford repeatedly harped on the need to make sacrifices in order to heal the country’s ailing economy. “I’ve got a lot of small business owner friends and they love the idea of tax cuts but frankly every small business person I know — and these are brilliant entrepreneurs — will figure out a way to make it work,” he said. “But they want certainty. The lack of certainty is more damaging than whether we get or don’t get a tax bill passed. I think at this point we need some leadership.”