I posted this in another thread and it was suggested I give it a thread of its own to see how much interest there might be.
I mentioned that in the hemp topic in GD there was some discussion regarding the many uses for hemp. I wrote that I make soap with hemp oil and someone suggested that I post a link for it in the DU marketplace. I did and got a nice response. It's not something I sell but make for friends and family for the holidays and it was a nice surprise to find interest in it.
It got me to thinking that with the holidays coming up, it might be fun to do a virtual DU craft fair in the DU marketplace topic. I think a lot of people would be interested in handcrafted items to give as gifts - I know I would be - and from the photos I've seen people here do beautiful work.
Maybe we could post a main thread in the marketplace and people could add their crafts to it and keep it going through November. I know I'd rather give gifts that are thoughtful and beautiful than crap made by multinational corporations. Maybe others would, too.
Any thoughts? It's just a start, I'm sure others can improve upon it.