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wing needles?? can anyone offer any advice?

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lavenderdiva Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-21-08 08:43 PM
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wing needles?? can anyone offer any advice?
I am trying to make a set of linen placemats and matching linen napkins. They will have a 1" hem. I would like to add decorative hemstitching to them-- two rows, one-half inch apart of a simple hemstitch made with a wing needle. I have never used a wing needle before, and don't know how to begin.

This morning on PBS, Martha Pullen had a half-hour show on sewing with wing needles. I got all excited and taped it, as well as watched it to see if this would help me. To date, everything I've read has said to use washaway stabilizer. However, this morning her guest seamstress discouraged this. They also never stated the stitch pattern they were using on the garment.

Can I use washaway stabilizer (the napkins and placemats will be out of light/medium weight linen and the hemstitching will be on a single layer of fabric) and then use a straight stitch to make the simple pattern? I'm just looking for a simple line of 'holes' around the edge of the napkin or placemat. If anyone could help me learn how to do this, I'd really appreciate it! :hi:
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joneschick Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-24-08 02:12 PM
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1. practice, practice, practice
what I remember was lots of spray starch on 100% cotton or linen. Any polyester in the fabric will cause the holes in your design to "heal"

what kind of machine do you have? Stitches that repeat in the same needle positions are going to show up the best.
good luck!
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lavenderdiva Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-24-08 07:21 PM
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2. I have a Bernina 1130 machine
its older but still sews beautifully. It was one of the first generation computer machines, but is not an embroidery type computer machine.

That's a good tip about the spray starch. Do I do this instead of the water-soluble stabilizer? or, is it in addition to?

My fabric is 100% linen, so at least I don't have to worry about the holes 'healing'.

Question: can I do a simple straight stitch to accomplish this? and then go back over it a 2nd time? Or, do I need to pick a more elaborate stitch pattern? I really don't want to do a zig-zag or anything; I'm just looking for a simple line-type stitch. :hi:

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joneschick Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-25-08 08:39 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. you have a great machine
mine is a Pfaff 1473, similar vintage I think.
I used the spray starch alone, but I was working on organza. You're going to have to try out different stitches and different threads too, to get to the look you want. I wouldn't think a simple straight stitch would get the holes. You will need a stitch that has some repitition. Perhaps the seed stitch, the straight triple stitch. Have fun with it. Maybe I'll get into my sewing room and play too. I just don't get in there these days.
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