A viral load test is taken to see whether or not a certain drug regimen is working. It's not really looked at as an indicator of what is going on with a person's immune system. Having an undetectable viral load is great news for your friend!
The CD4/T-cell count is a much better indicator of immune system health. Since you say that your friends T-cells have hovered around 300 is also good news. As long as their T-cells don't continue to trend downward, there is no need to be concerned. A better indicator of immune health is the CD4%, which people tend to think about. CD4% results also come back in the same test results. The CD4% tends to be a more steady number, when compared to the CD4 count, which can fluctuate depending on the time of day, etc.
As for your second question, I cannot help you there. Both my husband and I are negative. But I work as a HIV/HCV Health Educator, so if you have any other questions, I'll do my best to answer them. I'm not a doctor, so this isn't medical advice. I'm a good ol' not-for-profit boy.