Yeah, getting the three to mesh is a pain.
How it works here is that folks on Medi/Medi pay no Part A/B Medicare premiums, and any share of costs for Medicaid drug coverage is picked up by ADAP. With the advent of Part D, there were plans here with premium assistance, based on income.
I'm straight Medicare via my SSDI (no Medicaid), so it was a little simpler for me, in a way. I just came in under the income limits for Part D premium assistance, so I didn't have to pick that up, and in reviewing my case turned out I was eligible for a medical necessity Medicaid coverage that, once approved, picked up the Part A/B premiums I had been paying out of my SSDI. One big difference here, perhaps, is that Medicaid is additionally funded with State funds, so the benefit is a little higher here than in other states.
Anyway, that's what SSDI reimbursed me for - turned out to be about 3 months of premiums, once the medically necessary Medicaid coverage kicked in. So, I kind of put it together bass ackward, and it took some creative assistance from knowledgeable folks.
Hang in there. Doesn't sound like you'll have any gap in your med supply, that's one bright note.