Headsets? That just means one hand is not being used for something other than driving. To be fair, you would have to ban smoking, eating, putting on make-up, holding your honey, petting the dog, programming the Garmin, smoking a joint, any activity that reduces you to one-handed driving. It's not the dis-use of a hand that makes the other driver dangerous, it's a lack of attention.
Ban phones because they're distracting? Because they cause a driver to think about something other than the immediate surroundings? Again, to be fair, we'd have to ban distracting things, talking with passengers, listening to the radio, turning around to yell at the kids, singing, sudoku, checking out the skirt on that lady, smoking a joint.
I think you could ban all the above, and some drivers will still cruise with their head up their butt. I see someone using a phone, and I steer clear, back off, watch them more carefully, because I know there's a high probability of a screw-up. But I gotta watch the drivers who are not on the phone, who are doing other things, and even those who seem to be driving ok.
The cell-phone bans (war on cellphones) popular in some locales seem ineffective.
But, I still haven't installed the speaker and mike in my helmet, so I can't use my cellphone when I drive.