Yep you heard it right....Detroit has a socialist running for Mayor.
Candidate's website candidate speaks at Detroit meeting video also
D’Artagnan Collier, Socialist Equality Party candidate for Detroit Mayor, spoke at a meeting in Downtown Detroit Tuesday. He addressed the pressing social questions facing workers in the city and explained his reasons for running.
“The Obama Administration has given its response to the economic crisis. The bourgeoisie, they have a strategy in which they are using this crisis to impose attacks on the working class, essentially returning conditions of life to what it was prior to the Great Depression...”
“The working class has to take its stand in opposition to this program. Detroit is the center of the worldwide attack on the working class. It is here that the American ruling class is attempting to impose benchmark concessions onto all workers, and here that the working class must present its response.”
even though i am a flaming socialist and a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, i voted and support the Obama administration--and unlike others will evaluate his performance 4 years from now.
We have, unfortunately, two viable parties in this country, both capitalist and supporters of corporate power. I hope the socialist parties in this country who run candidates, and there a couple, will start to make progress and eventually socialists will hold governmental offices. Power is the key. Who holds the power holds the reins. The socialist parties in this country really need to unite under some common issues and focus their resources to elect socialists into office. lets see what happens