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What's the difference between the Social Democratic Party, and the Democratic Socialists?

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Critters2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-07-09 10:40 AM
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What's the difference between the Social Democratic Party, and the Democratic Socialists?
I like the idea of a further-left party working within the Democratic Party. I used to be a member of the Socialist Party, USA, but left when I realized Socialists were never going to get elected to public office in this country. I recently discovered these Socialist movements within the Dem Party, and would like to join. But which one?

My main question is...which of these is most effective at making an impact within the party?

Thanks for any help.

Oh, and for reference, these are the websites I looked at:
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dcsmart Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-07-09 01:22 PM
Response to Original message
1. hello, Critters2
so glad to see a new name posting here. i can only give you a short answer right now (i am leaving for the day) but i want to chat with you more. i am a member of the Democratic Socialists of America and suggest membership with DSA. My local has campaigned for a variety of Dem candidates, both federal and state....sometimes behind the scenes, because the candidates are apprehensive about association with DSA. i would like to get into that later. i know the history of the social Democrats usa, but DSA seems far better organized and has substantial longevity. they have developed a sound and rigorous political and economic philosophy which you can read about on their website.

i would say DSA is the place to go, but with some reservation....which i want to chat about later. I notice from your journal that you are a UCC minister. i think that is terrific, UCC is one denomination that still gives christianity a good name. i will chat with you later.
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Critters2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-07-09 01:35 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Thanks, dcsmart! I look forward to talking with you more!
Have a good Labor Day!
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dcsmart Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-08-09 08:34 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. hello again
hope all is well. to continue the conversation, my reservation about DSA or any socialist organization is that once the "S" word comes out people shut down and the conversation usually ends. DSA did campaign for a rep here behind the scenes, but when he was elected the dialogue with DSA ended. it makes sense, especially in this last election and in this political environment, that politicians would not want to be associated with a socialist group. My feeling is that it is better to work in mainstream political organizations. In that way, the dialogue continues and the possibility of influencing public policy through political participation is not stifled. for me, a marxist/socialist analysis of society makes sense. that is my analytical template, but when entering the public arena i think operating within the democratic party is the most effective. I like the work of the Progressive Democrats of America.

anyway, those are my thoughts on the subject. it is hard to say which direction will produce the best results. i think it is important to reflect on the influence progressive religious leaders have had and are still having on political policy. i think of Dr. Martin Luther King and Dorthy Day, founder of the Catholic Worker movement. Jim Wallis and Sojourners is another important religious presence.

take care. good talking to you

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