No Democrats (Even Obama) Are Socialists: I Should Know, I Am One
I am about to reveal to you something that you may not be comfortable with, throughout the years of your indoctrination at the hands of the media. None of the Democrats in power are socialists, communists, marxists, or any other kind of -ists, except CENTRISTS. Not Barack Obama. Not Nancy Pelosi. Not Harry Reid. Contrary to what you are told, the nation is being governed from the center-right! The message that any of these people are a part of any radical left agenda is laughable. I WISH they were! The systematic push rightwards has gone on far too long.
It's hard to tell where it started, but one point stands out. The repealing of the Fairness Doctrine in 1987, under the watch of conservative god Ronnie Reagan. It had required broadcasters to present issues in a way where both contrasting views were honest and equal, something unheard of in today's world, with the bloviating of Rush Limbaugh and the distortion of Faux News. Today, the media and its news networks, are owned by News Corporation, General Electric, and Time Warner; and are slanted to the right of the political spectrum. Yes, even MSNBC and CNN are slanted rightward. It may not be as obvious to the naked eye, because Faux News is so blatant in this regard, that the others seem subtle by comparison. Faux News is 24/7 hard right, and everything else is considered to the left. It is repeated so often, that the public has believed it to be true, especially with the "liberal media" meme.
So now that anything not Faux News is liberal, here comes the "Obama is a Socialist" talk. Truth be told, and this is not bashing Barack Obama, he is something of a moderate conservative. He campaigned on Hope and Change, however that change wasn't and still isn't all that liberal. (During the 2008 campaign, he constantly talked about how he wanted to focus on Afghanistan.) The way I see it, government and society as a whole, are bought and owned by the wealthy. My personal belief is that things such as health care should be owned by the government. No company should be allowed to profit off of the health or sickness of others. Ever. It is why I get so frustrated when they say that today's system works, and that it should be built upon, when in reality, it needs to be burned to the fucking ground. Perhaps like capitalism?
Oh yes. Capitalism works. It works for the top 5% of our population. Everybody else gets routinely pissed on. All the wealth and power gets concentrated at the top, leaving our society forever unequal. Perhaps the greatest lie ever told to the public is that if you work hard enough and persevere, you too can become rich! Here's the truth: either someone is born into money, or they get it through extremely good luck. Everybody else is stuck in the middle or at the bottom, thrown little bones such as iPods or nice cars to keep them placated and comfortable. It's why there will never be a revolution in our society. We as a whole are too distracted by the latest celebrity gossip or the new must-have gadget to ever pay attention to the ass-fucking taking place.
I tell you this because I see it too clearly. The Obama logo juxtaposed with the hammer-and-sickle, the references to the marxist agenda, the horse shit goes on and on. Wake the fuck up America, this is just a glorified feudal society.