The DU Pro-Choice group supports Roe v. Wade and complete reproductive freedom
-- those two things are mutually exclusive. ;)
But heck, I don't live in the US, so I can't really support or not support Roe v. Wade anyhow.
I'd be truly interested in reading people's deep thoughts about the theory behind the practice of placing limits of any kind on access to abortion. So some week soon when I have the time to give them the attention they deserve, I might just repost that question about what the state's interest in a woman's pregnancy is, and we can have at it without having to deal with barely concealed anti-choice opinion.
Maybe we could have a resource-sharing thread, for our favourite writings on the subject. How 'bout this one?
And of course now, as usual, I can't remember the name of the danged book I like to recommend. It has first-person accounts by a number of women, ordinary and famous, and one man, about their unwanted pregnancy experiences. Published quite some time ago, and I have my copy around here on a bookshelf somewhere ...
Here we are. I knew if I searched for Whoopi Goldberg I'd find it: Choices We Made: Twenty-Five Women and Men Speak Out about Abortion (Paperback)
by Angela Bonavoglia (Author)
Apparently reissued in 2001:
Book Description
Every day in America, abortion providers and the women who need them are in danger. First published ten years ago, this collection of 25 powerful stories from contributors both famous and ordinary, privileged and poor, provides often harrowing insights into what happens when women are denied the right to choose. Testimonials from teenagers, college students, overloaded young mothers, and even a retired male Marine put a human face on one of this country's most controversial issues and offer passionate arguments for access to legal and safe abortions.
Just in case we need reminding (and we all do, sometimes) that women are all their own persons, with their own lives, and their own pregnancies, and the ability to make their own decisions.