I just found this at Bitch Ph.D. A little late - sorry.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
call your Representatives TODAY to protect funding for Planned Parenthood.
I'm trying to reach out to all the blogs I read that have smart, prochoice authors:
I just learned (via NFPRHA) that Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) is poised to offer an amendment today to the LHHS spending bill (HR 3043) that would prohibit Planned Parenthood from receiving Title X funding. This amendent would effectively defund 13 percent of Title X family planning clinics and threaten access to family planning services for millions of low-income women and men.
Please reach out and urge your Representatives to vote NO....
May be too late - and it IS too late for me to look into it tonight (this morning) - worth looking into, however. I'll try to check it out tomorrow.