I found this via buzzflash.
http://www.talk2action.org/story/2007/6/17/11124/1577"The stacks of information about those worthy of consideration for Theocrat of the Week. But this week Our Distinguished Panel of Judges did not get far down the pile when they recognized the winners and stopped the competition.
Our winners this week plan to reenact the the actions of theocratic martyr Paul Hill next month in Milwaukee. On July 29, 1994 Paul Hill, who sought to set a good example for Christian theocratic revolutionaries, assasinated abortion provider Dr. John Britton and James Barrett one of his escorts, and seriously wounding another, June Barrett, outside an abortion clinic in Pensacola, Florida.
George L. Wilson of Children Need Heroes and Drew Heiss of Street Preach are planning to honor Paul Hill in a series of events called "Paul Hill Days" in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, July 26th - 29th -- "to honor him as God's man and our hero."" snip