I think a listing of pro-choice medical providers is essential. That information is so difficult to find. I've had to switch healthcare providers several times over the past few years due to moves and job changes, and it's almost impossible to find that information. The Planned Parenthood where I went for my last Pap was helpful in that they could tell me which practices they worked with, but there is no comprehensive listing. And I want a pro-choice doctor whether I'm looking for a GI doctor or a GYN: I do not want a physician whose dogma is going to interfere with my health.
The important of this was driven home when I was about to call a gynecologist to make an appointment for the usual well-woman stuff: I chose the doctor who was closest to my apartment who accepted my insurance. Out of curiosity I Googled her name, and discovered that the doctor I had chosen due to convenience had won several awards for her activities in furthering the "pro-life cause." :scared:
On the other extreme, here's a listing of doctors and dentists you may want to avoid: