Especially when abortion is so very obviously is a matter of civil and human rights, and not so much a moral crusade for women who fight to keep abortion legal. One half of the population who, by accident of birth is able to become pregnant. So the forced birthers, the misogynists, the what-about-me males, the patriarchy damaged females and many religions ignore all history, ignore all medical facts, ignore gendered social structure and economic inequities to announce with either pseudo-intellectual bullshit or hyper-moralistic dogma, that they know what is an individual woman's place in society should be. That they know what she is feeling. That they know from what motivation the passion for the fight for the right to choose comes from. It's beyond hubris and into the realm of narcissism.
Fucking embarrassing for a progressive board if you ask me. But nobody will of course.
I just finished an essay on unwanted pregnancy, also covering the phenomenon of "rejected pregnancy" as well as "Denied pregnancy-- Women who deny that they are pregnant sometimes until after birth. The rejection is so complete it affects the perceptual reality of these women. Anyway, cited in the essay is a book I haven't read, but am planning to order. "S", A Novel about the Balkans by Croatian journalist Slavenka Drakulic. She fictionalized the accounts of the serial raped women in the Serbian-run internment camps. Evidently the rape rooms were called "women's room's"
"In the novel, S does not initially recognize the fact that she is pregnant. After five months gestation, she is shocked and horrified when a visit to th Doctor reveals that she is pregnant by one of her former captors. The doctor is not surprised at S's lack of subjective awareness, saying that hers is "a normal reaction, that very person has not only psychological but also physiological mechanisms to protect them in extraordinary situations"
"After leaving the hospital, S notices a weight in her belly for the first time: "it is there, at the very bottom, like a piece of lead. A tumor which will grow and spread and become increasingly visible. She is terrorized by the feeling that a cancer is growing inside her: "S. fought this alien body, the sick cells that multiplied inside her against her will....When she shut her eyes she say the foreign cells quite clearly, multiplying, occupying her from within. She saw herself as an enormous receptacle the sole source of which was to feed the voracious cluster of cells"
Then a quick line from the end of the essay; "Contemporary discourse on pregnancy, with its attentiveness to the positive aspects of pregnancy to the exclusion of all else, continues to silence women who cannot describe their experience in unambiguously positive terms. Until women have the vocabulary with which to express ambivalent and even negative feelings regarding pregnancies especially unwanted pregnancies, they will continue to suffer in silence.
So those assholes are full of shit. They know nothing, in the context of what there is to know, and worse, want to know nothing else, and will never grow either intellectually or ethically. Mind in a wood box syndrome.