somewhere about adult male rhesus macaques that would choose, instead of juice treats, to look at a picture of a female monkeys butt. Seriously.
found it!
news article ---> monkeys' behinds
Next, the researchers took photographs of the macaques and loaded them into a computer program. Some females were photographed from behind, so that the image showed a close-up of their hindquarters. Other pictures were head shots of both males and females.
Four of the male monkeys then sat in front of computer screens. They were rewarded with juice whenever they shifted their gaze from one image to another. Some images resulted in more juice than other photos.
When given the choice between a photo of a low-status male with a high juice reward and a photo of a female's hindquarters, the male test subjects refused the extra juice so that they could gaze at the sexy female images. They also "paid" with juice to see photos of high-status males.
Conversely, the male monkeys required extra payment, meaning more juice, to view the faces of low-status males and females.
actual research article -->