For streetcar start, 1-mile track advisedBy David Pendered
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 03/26/08
Atlanta's planned streetcar from Buckhead to downtown should start with just a mile of track in Midtown, according to the urban planner who gave the idea its first big push.
The entire system that's proposed won't generate ridership fast enough to be economically viable, said Andres Duany.
His Miami-based company has shaped development patterns in cities across the U.S. and in Asia, Europe and Canada.
"It's the only part of the streetcar that's going to work," Duany told the Midtown Alliance on Tuesday. He endorsed Atlanta's proposed streetcar in 2002.
Atlanta's chief operating officer, Greg Giornelli, said the city will stick with its current plan.
"We respect Mr. Duany's opinion, but we continue to pursue the original vision," Giornelli said in an e-mail statement. "Atlanta's best thinkers and planners have produced a compelling recommendation to the city, and we intend to follow it."
Atlanta City Councilman Kwanza Hall, who represents the area, said he would accept downsizing the project to get it started.
Mayor Shirley Franklin put her muscle behind the Peachtree Streetcar in 2005 as part of her economic development program. The same year, Franklin campaigned for a special tax district to help pay for the Beltline, a planned 22-mile network of transit and trails around intown neighborhoods.
The Beltline tax district was ruled unconstitutional earlier this year by the state Supreme Court. ........(more)
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