from The Hamilton Spectator:
GO Transit on the move April 15, 2008
Eric McGuinness
The Hamilton Spectator
(Apr 15, 2008)
Rob MacIsaac envisions shorter electric trains running like subways on GO's Lakeshore line between Oshawa and Hamilton.
The former Burlington mayor, now chair of Metrolinx, charged with coming up with a transportation plan for the Greater Toronto Area, says switching to self-propelled electric-powered train cars is a "very ambitious project that has the potential to transform GO from a big, bulky rail service to something much more like a subway."
"They could run as frequently as subway cars. You wouldn't necessarily be bound to a schedule, because you know a car will be there in a relatively short time."
But electrification of the Lakeshore line, which Premier Dalton McGuinty says could cut 15 minutes off Hamilton-Toronto travel time, is a long-term project that won't be a key element of the Metrolinx white paper next week or the draft plan due in June. They will focus on more immediate transit improvements such as an integrated GTA fare card and better notice of service delays.
MacIsaac told members of The Hamilton Spectator's editorial board yesterday that road tolls and other drastic changes may be needed to get people out of cars, but unless something is done, "We are moving toward having Los Angeles-style traffic congestion, the worst in North America, in a relatively short time."
At the same time, he said: "The car is not going away. A lot of trips will never be able to be serviced appropriately with public transit. We're not anti-car." .....(more)
The complete piece is at: