House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee leaders held a bipartisan news conference Thursday to announce the introduction of H.R. 6003, the Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act of 2008, which includes Amtrak reauthorization provisions, and H.R. 6004, the Rail Infrastructure Development and Expansion Act for the 21st Century (RIDE-21), to provide bonding authority and tax credits for high-speed rail projects. (RIDE-21 had been introduced in previous sessions of Congress.) Chairman James Oberstar (D-MN) was joined by Ranking Member John Mica (R-FL), Railroads Subcommittee Chairwoman Corrine Brown (D-FL), Railroads Subcommittee Ranking Member Bill Shuster (R-PA), and subcommittee members Elijah Cummings (D-MD), Grace Napolitano (D-CA), Daniel Lipinski (D-IL), and Bruce Braley (D-IA). Oberstar’s House floor speech introducing the two bills is available here (PDF).
H.R. 6003 would provide $14.3 billion over five years for passenger rail programs, including $3 billion for Amtrak operations (starting at $525 million for Fiscal 2009 and increasing to $654 million by Fiscal 2013), $1.0285 billion for Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance, and $6.698 billion for Amtrak capital programs and state capital grants (starting at $1.202 billion in Fiscal 2009 and increasing to $1.427 billion in Fiscal 2013). Of the capital funds, 41% would be available to states in Fiscal 2009, declining to 35% by Fiscal 2013. There would also be $1.725 billion ($345 million annually) for Amtrak debt service. $121.814 million would go to Amtrak’s Office of the Inspector General, and $60 million would go to USDOT to move forward with Baltimore tunnel improvements. H.R. 6003 also allows for unspecified grants to alleviate identified chokepoints on existing passenger rail corridors.
H.R. 6003 also establishes a competitive state grant process for higher-speed rail corridor projects (at least 110 mph). $350 million would be available for each fiscal year ($1.75 billion total) for a federal match of up to 80 percent.
From the National Association of Railroad Passengers web site