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Bleak budget picture for New York MTA

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marmar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-13-08 12:24 PM
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Bleak budget picture for New York MTA
from Newsday:

MTA projects budget gap of $500M to $700M for 2009
June 12, 2008

ALBANY - MTA officials warned yesterday that the operator of the Long Island Rail Road, New York City subways and other mass transit was in danger of "going over the cliff" without an infusion of cash from here and Washington to offset a growing deficit because of the slowing economy.

MTA chief executive Elliot Sander said the authority was projecting a budget gap of $500 million to $700 million next year because of less revenue from fees and taxes linked to real estate transactions and Wall Street. The MTA also is spending more for diesel fuel.

Sander expressed reluctance to breaking his pledge not to increase fares and tolls next year after the hike in March - but he wouldn't rule it out.

"Our hope is for additional support from Albany and other partners," Sander told an Assembly committee. "If we do not have funding ... then the only recourse the MTA has is to increase fares, engage in service cutbacks and cutting staff."

Last week, Mayor Michael Bloomberg torpedoed a bailout, blaming state lawmakers for failing to adopt his congestion-pricing plan that would have yielded $354 million in federal grant money plus $500 million annually in tolls. Gov. David A. Paterson, facing a deficit of $5 billion in the 2009-2010 budget, has called for belt-tightening.

Still, Sander warned the MTA's 2009 operating deficit of up to $700 million, together with structural debt of $600 million due in 2010, threatened to roll back progress made in upgrading subway stations and rail cars and expanding service. "We're going over the cliff," he said.

In March, the MTA raised LIRR fares an average of 4 percent. There also were increases in subway and bus fares and tolls on bridges and tunnels. At the time, officials promised no hikes next year and modest increases in 2010.

Sander also received some pointed questions from Assemb. Richard Brodsky (D-Westchester), committee chairman, about $20 million owed to the MTA by Nassau County for building projects and Long Island Bus. The debt stems from two deals in the 1990s where the transit agency helped bail out the then nearly bankrupt county and county subsidies for bus service. .....(more)

The complete piece is at:,0,4663448.story

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galledgoblin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-15-08 02:25 AM
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1. NY's budget is such a mess
I know NY has the potential to be self-sufficient. I'd love to see a politician step forward and propose a reinvestment in public transit the same way we once invested in the Eire Canal- but everything is tied into asinine politics, the budget most of all.

this year things are even messier because Spitzer bailed just before the passage.

man, months later and I still get bouts of rage thinking about all that Spitzer promised and how little he followed through.
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nxylas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-15-08 09:04 PM
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2. Same damn story everywhere
When are our elected officials going to wake up to the fact that the age of the car is coming to an end?
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