RTA proposal sees fewer routes, but higher faresSaturday, July 19, 2008 Sarah Hollander
Plain Dealer Reporter
If you take public transportation, there's a good chance your trip could change this fall.
The Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority has proposed dropping or reducing service on nearly half its bus routes.
At the same time, RTA plans to increase all fares.
All community circulators would be discontinued.
A dozen regular bus routes, including those with stops at hospitals, colleges and Park-N-Ride lots, would be chopped.
And 21 other routes would lose some hours or stops.
One rail route would also be affected. Service on the lightly used Waterfront rail line might be reduced to rush hours and special events only.
RTA faces a $20 million deficit next year because of the skyrocketing price of diesel fuel, rising personnel costs combined with stagnant tax revenue and limited government support. ......(more)
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