via MassTransitMag:
New Attitudes Gaining Toward Transit, Land Use Tom Bell, staff writer
Portland Press Herald OREGON - High gas prices have people talking about concepts that until now might have seemed too controversial - maybe even far-fetched. Ideas such as bringing trolleys back to the Portland area.
A year ago, people would have easily dismissed the idea of bringing light rail back to South Portland, said planning director Tex Haeuser. But today, he's so convinced that public attitudes have changed that he decided to talk about his vision at a Planning Board meeting.
It's a lot easier to talk about moving away from the status quo, he said.
''I think this year is something of a watershed year,'' he said. ''In some ways, we're facing a looming disaster. But on the other hand, we've got some frankly cool possibilities.''
Planners who advocate expanding public transit and revamping land-use policies are finding that higher energy prices are translating into more political support for their ideas from local officials and residents. And while some people question whether attitudes have changed that much, this skepticism isn't stopping planners from bringing forward new ideas.
Perhaps the best example is Haeuser's vision of bringing a modern street car system to the city, with tracks running along the Broadway and Gorham Road corridor and connecting the city's commercial districts with the city's neighborhoods and Southern Maine Community College. ......(more)
The complete piece is at: