Metrolinx unveils massive transportation fix TRANSIT GLOSSARY
Metrolinx: A body set up by the province to create a comprehensive regional transportation plan for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area.
Move Ontario 2020: A provincial plan announced last year to provide $17.5 billion for a series of major transportation projects.
Transit City: Toronto's own plan for an extensive light-rail network reaching underserviced areas across the city with rapid transit, mainly dedicated streetcar lanes.
Transit terms:
• Rapid transit means transit that runs separate from regular traffic so it's faster.
• BRT (bus rapid transit) means buses operating mainly on their own right-of-way.
• LRT (light rail transit) means electric light rail (3- or 4-car streetcar trains), generally running in dedicated lanes.
• Express rail refers to large trains, typically electric, serving longer-distance regional commuters.
• Regional rail is similar to today's GO train service, speeded up if powered electrically rather than by diesel.
It's the $50 billion transportation plan the Toronto region can't afford not to build. But where the money will come from still has to be figured out.
Despite its promise of bold decisions, in the draft plan finally released yesterday Metrolinx has backed away from recommending road tolls, congestion fees or other taxes widely touted as the way to pay for the expanded transit needed to prevent the region from choking on gridlock.
"The cost of not proceeding with this plan would be higher than the cost of proceeding with it. We cannot be scared away from this challenge," Metrolinx chair Rob MacIsaac said.
"The experience of other jurisdictions taught us it is best to flood the region with transportation alternatives before you start to ask people to look at new ways to pay for infrastructure.
"We intend to get started on this plan. We have no desire to see it mired in interminable controversy over new revenue tools."
With 100 specific projects in the plan, the Metrolinx proposals will add 1,150 kilometres of new transit lines over the next 25 years.
Titled The Big Move: Transforming Transportation in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, the recommendations would ensure that 75 per cent of residents find themselves living within 2 kilometres of a dedicated rapid transit line, up from 42 per cent now. ......(more)
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