I'd love to be as clueless as we were back in the 1950s, too, but the realities of this day are far, far different. We all have rights, yes, but your right to be able to conceal whatever-it-is when boarding a plane, train, bus, horse-cart, etc., does not trump my right to live and be able to keep all my limbs attached.
"The right to swing my fist ends where the other man's nose begins."
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes
My only dissatisfaction is in the shoddy level of technology that Americans are able to come up with. We supposedly have the best scientific minds in the world and the best we can do is an x-ray? Puh-lease!
The scanning technology should be multi-spectrum, multi-modal, and be non-invasive, should include both passive and active scanning and be 100% safe. Scanners should be looking for chemical signals in multiple ways, signals and air-borne and whatever else they can come up with that will be able to detect all chemicals on your person, benign or otherwise. Should we be expecting less from the best scientists in the world?!?
Don't get me wrong, I'll temporarily accept what they have but more study is needed and better technology is needed as soon as they can figure out how to make it safe.