I have been on the phone for hours and hours, over 7 to be exact, trying to get my Linksys WRT 160N wireless router working in harmony with the new modem I got from AT&T. Two days wasted and over $100 spent on the %$# router and still it does not work. I've been around the world. The tech support in the Philippines were at least polite. I got India three times and could not understand what they were saying two times they disconnected me. I'm sorry, but if you speak with a heavy accent over a muffled head set, it's hard to understand. I would really like this to work, I even went to the Linksys page to see if I could send an email, but the links don't work.
I bought Linksys because they have a good reputation, but I'm afraid those days are over. I've installed wireless routers before, so it's not, or should not be that difficult. This is the third Linksys product I've gotten recently and had issues with. At least the others worked eventually, but this, 7 hours is too much. My cordless phone's battery ran out.
It looks like my only option is to return the modem from AT&T and get one with wireless built in.