Edited on Fri Mar-28-08 07:29 AM by ima_sinnic
... if there is a fairly decent flea market near you where people sell used things (some flea markets have a "yard sale area"), this could be an alternative to ebay and a yard sale. The advantage over a yard sale is the amount of traffic, and presumably the flea market is doing the advertising. Tables are normally quite reasonable, in my experience, maybe $5-$10 each for large ones. Try to keep the stuff halfway organized, and an area or table devoted to items all the same price, say, $1 each, works well. During the day, try to find another seller who will buy whatever is left in one lot when the day is over. Also severely slash prices as the day wears on. The goal is to get rid of stuff, not make a killing (unless you have some things that are actually valuable)--though I might be a little jaded on this, after selling for several years--I take the philosophy of selling a lot of items cheaply rather than a few at a high price--those priced high can take a long time to sell.
It does pay to do research on eBay and other sites, also stroll through thrift shops to see their prices, even before selling at a flea market to find out how rare/valuable and in demand your things might be. I've been to so many yard sales where people had an overinflated opinion of the value of their things--it just seemed to me that they were simply going to end up with most of their stuff still in their possession at the end of the day, and no money.
just an idea ...
on edit: meant to say, I have seen clothing sell really well at a flea market, but it has to be reasonably priced. Also be prepared for it to be thoroughly pawed over. Forget trying to keep it neatly folded and stacked!