McCain meets Pinochet in 1985
October 24, 2008 ·
Document-maven and father, John Dinges, writes in the Huffington Post and CIPER about John and Cindy’s vacation to the south of Chile to eat salmon and ride horses, to Santiago to meet with Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet and to Vina del Mar to celebrate the New Year. Relevant documents are here and here.
“The trip was arranged by Chile’s ambassador to the United States, Hernan Felipe Errazuriz. According to a contemporary government document obtained from Chile, Errazuriz arranged for a special government liaison to help McCain while in Chile for the “strictly private” visit, and described him as “one of the conservative congressmen who is closest to our embassy.”
“McCain, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee at the time, made no public or private statements critical of the dictatorship, nor did he meet with members of the democratic opposition in Chile, as far as could be determined from a thorough check of U.S. and Chilean newspaper records and interviews with top opposition leaders.”
“McCain’s visit with Pinochet took place at a moment when the Chilean strongman held virtually unrestricted dictatorial power and those involved in public, democratic opposition were exposed to great risk.”
It came also at a moment when “methods of torture reported include beatings, electric shocks to the genitals and other parts of the body and rape of women prisoners,” according to an Associated Press report.
Only 12 days later Democratic Senator Edward Kennedy was welcomed with eggs and a road blockade when he visited in a show of support to the Catholic Church and human rights groups.
More: material, if you've got the time.