I just had to share this BoRev gem with you all. Great pix too.
"Bolivian Savages To Drive Out God , End Civilization Forever"
"Well you knew this would happen when they started letting them Indians vote. Today Bolivians are poised to approve a new Constitution that would protect land rights of indigenous communities and enshrine this fancy new heretical concept, 'religious freedom' in a country that has been pretty much ruled by the Vatican ever since Jesus' slave traders showed up five hundred years ago.
"So how's it playing in the global press? Naturally this is all terribly 'divisive' and 'confrontational.' These savages are drunk on equality-lust! El Duderino has the full-on media (breakdown) takedown**."http://www.borev.net/2009/01/bolivian_savages_to_drive_out.html----
**BoRev links to this also hilarious take-down of our corpo/fascist assholism about Bolivia...
"Bolivia Votes, Hacks Squirm"Sample:
"...the LA Times gets the hackyist of hack awards. They manage write an entire article based on interviews with professional hack Eduardo Gamarra, the recalled corrupt major of La Paz Lupe Andrade, ex-Prez hack Carlos Mesa, and former opposition congressman hack Luis Eduardo Siles without one word from a pro-government voice. Now that's 'objectivity'." http://casa-del-duderino.blogspot.com/2009/01/bolivia-votes-hacks-squirm.html