Posted on Saturday, 02.07.09
40 barred from Haitian Senate race -- including Lavalas slate
Haiti's electoral council disqualified 40 of 105 candidates, prompting international concern.
A decision by Haiti's Provisional Electoral Council to disqualify members of former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide's political party in the April 19 senate elections has sparked concern among foreign diplomats.
The 17 Fanmi Lavalas members were among 40 people who registered candidacies for Parliament, but were disqualified this week. The party is one of the largest in the country, but internal discord over who can register candidates under the party banner hampered the process.
The U.S. Embassy in Haiti called the Council's decision a ''matter of great concern'' and, like Canada, called on Haitian authorities to discuss the matter.
''Under the law, elections should involve all major parties and serve as a unifying force for democracy,'' the statement said. ``An election based on the exclusion. . . will inevitably question the credibility of elections. . . in Haiti and among donors and friends of Haiti.''