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VENEZUELA: "Jon Lee Anderson Still Getty By with One Eye"

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magbana Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-16-09 01:03 PM
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VENEZUELA: "Jon Lee Anderson Still Getty By with One Eye"
"Jon Lee Anderson still getting by with one eye
February 15, 2009 · No Comments

eye“In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.”

What else did Machetera miss while she was away? Not much, apparently. A Frontline documentary, produced by Ofra Bikel, called “The Hugo Chávez Show,” aired in November, with all the usual suspects…meaning people who used to support Chávez but don’t any more, like Teodoro Petkoff. The Guardian’s Rory Carroll is given a chance to recount (again!) his tale of on-camera humiliation at Aló Presidente, for which he is still seething and, judging by his latest dispatches, seeking vengeance. But pride of place goes to Jon Lee Anderson, best known in the English speaking world for his Hollywood Babylon biography of el Che, cocktail chatter from fascist warzones, and more recently, detailed descriptions of the seatback tray table hinges on Chávez’s presidential jet. In “The Hugo Chávez Show,” he adds clairvoyance to his resume, telling us what Fidel was “probably” thinking when Chávez spoke at the University of Havana’s Aula Magna in 2000:

… And Fidel was probably thinking to himself, where was this kid 30 years ago when I needed him? — oil rich, willing to build a revolution, willing to turn Venezuela into an ally of isolated Cuba. And here we are today, you know, nearly eight, nine years later. It’s interesting.

… But Chávez has essentially saved Fidel Castro’s revolution on the very eve of his death. I mean, Fidel can go more or less peacefully into the night, knowing that at least for some years more, as long as Chávez is alive, Cuba will be all right."

Rest of post . . .
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Feb-16-09 03:33 PM
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1. I saw that. What a piece of trash it was. I wrote to them and
told them they needed to change "Frontline" to "Hello, Ministry of Truth". lol
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