Karen Wald, a regular visitor to Cuba, had a chat with Camilo Guevara about the movie and shares the URL for the family website about Che. If you google Camilo, you'll see he looks just like his MOM.
Here’s some of what Camilo said:
--Some of the historic facts are wrong, but ultimately, it’s a movie, not a history. If people really want to know what happened to Che in Bolivia, for example, they should read “Che Bolivian Diary” (available in every major language). A movie can approximate the life of a person but it can never be identical. This is a picture, and the people are actors.
--There are some things the family would disagree with in the portrayal of Che, as well as some of the historic facts, and they are preparing notes on this that they will put on their website, (www.centroche.co.cu) but they feel the film overall, was positive; it was not done in bad faith. It was trying to show some aspects of Che’s life as a man, a human being.
--Benicio del Toro was impressive as an actor in that film.