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Press release (so bad, it's good): Top Chavez Opponent Coming to Washington

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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-25-09 05:34 PM
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Press release (so bad, it's good): Top Chavez Opponent Coming to Washington

Top Chavez Opponent Coming to Washington to Warn of 'Soviet Union of Latin America'

A 'Solzhenitsyn of the Western Hemisphere' seeks urgent meetings with leaders, media, academics

Contact: Eduardo Dipp, 301-642-9186,,; Moreno Garcia, 804-318-6934

MEDIA ADVISORY, Feb. 24 /Christian Newswire/ -- With anti-American Marxist Hugo Chavez now dictator for life, his top opponent in Latin America Alejandro Peña-Esclusa,, will visit Washington (Feb 27 - March 4, including CPAC) seeking meetings to warn media, government, academic and religious leaders that neo-Marxists and Jihadists seek control of Latin America right up to the border of a weakening United States.

Peña warns that the secretive "Sao Paulo Forum" (SPF) established in 1990 by Fidel Castro with "Lula" da Silva (now Brazilian president) has made huge advances, including:

· the creation of Chavez himself as a major Marxist force and his installation as dictator for life days ago

· joining Latin American governments with revolutionary movements, Islamic Jihadist forces and heavily armed drug lords as an anti-democratic, anti-American alliance

· infiltrating non-member governments and the Catholic and evangelical churches and many other institutions.

Its existence only recently proved by Peña and Brazilian Professor Olavo de Carvalho,, the SPF undermines democracy, economic, religious and political freedom and the rule of law in every Latin American country.

The former presidential candidate led mass demonstrations against Chavez's totalitarianism and lifetime Marxist dictatorship. He now lives under government persecution and constant danger. Frequently invited to lecture in Argentina, Brazil, Spain, the United States, Colombia, El Salvador and Uruguay, Peña (54), leads Fuerza Solidaria,, (Solidarity Force) and the UnoAmerica international alliance against the São Paulo Forum Marxist bloc.

His visit is coordinated by Professor de Carvalho, a leading expert on international Marxism, its cooperation with jihadists and infiltration of Catholic and other institutions.

"North American and European leaders, academics and journalists – 'liberal' and 'conservative' -- are frighteningly naive about this," de Carvalho said, adding "A briefing by Mr. Peña-Esclusa, an Alexander Solzhenitsyn of Latin America, is priceless. He is the most important political leader in North, South and Central America opposing the return of Marxism."

De Carvalho is the renowned Brazilian philosopher, journalist and author of eleven books who fled Brazil under threats to his life from Marxist forces controlling the Brazilian government, universities, media and drug trafficking. His radio program, with a large international audience of educated Portuguese and Spanish-speaking listeners is a counterweight to the neo-Marxist media there.

"Hemispheric alliances are moving rapidly toward economic and security catastrophe for the United States. Freedom is more endangered than during the Cold War. American leaders at every level must immediately establish communications and strategic cooperation against this historic danger," said de Carvalho, who resides in this country.

Like de Carvalho, Peña is a prolific writer and will bring his latest book on the SPF and offer briefings, interviews and lectures on the current resurgence of Marxism throughout the hemisphere. A former engineer and entrepreneur, he entered politics foreseeing long in advance the chilling rise of neo-Marxism.
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Mika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-25-09 07:51 PM
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1. Wow. More talking points than a repug talking points list.
Edited on Wed Feb-25-09 07:51 PM by Mika

The "lifetime Marxist dictatorship" swill is right outta Tom DeLay's dog-eared handbook.

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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Feb-25-09 09:11 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. These are the storm troopers, I imagine!
Leftover barf on wheels. :shrug:
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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-26-09 03:42 PM
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3. Oh, STOP! This is hilarious. These guys are getting here what, 59 years too late?
Better late than never, apparently! Boy, are they slow.

The lovely Alejandro Peña-Esclusa, wrapping himself in OUR flag!

He's a celebrity among the gusanos in Miami.

Professor Olavo de Carvalho, hiding from "Marxists."

God bless this fine Brazilian who "fled" from terrifying "Marxists" in Brazil, right? You hear so much about that real scary leftist oppression, don't you?

So scary, kids!

Looks as if the Professor is the Brazilian equivalent of Michael Savage, doesn't it? Now there are TWO of these running around loose.
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