Things you learn, posting in GD
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Sun May-03-09 10:52 PM
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Things you learn, posting in GD |
Peace Patriot
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Mon May-04-09 12:03 AM
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1. Nope, I 'm not gonna give 'em by email. Otherwise Romero would have two |
discredits. Sorry. I get too much goddamned spam as it is.
He's right up there with Judith Miller, in my book--the second most discreditable so-called journalist ever to be published by that shitrag that calls itself "the newspaper of record" in the U.S. of A.
One wonders about the deluded people who think he is telling them the truth. Does he have a big family, do you think?
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Mon May-04-09 12:06 AM
Response to Reply #1 |
2. That's all I can figure. Or, they get an automatic 100 pts + their own vote. |
I've never heard of this site before.
Peace Patriot
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Mon May-04-09 12:08 AM
Response to Reply #2 |
3. Maybe he created the site himself, to be able to put it in his resume? |
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Mon May-04-09 12:12 AM
Response to Reply #3 |
Right now in GD, DUers are registering their disapproval of that reporter who made fun of Al Gore for being educated. They have her approval rating down to 65%.
Judi Lynn
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Mon May-04-09 02:43 AM
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5. Thanks for the chance to vote on Simon Romero's credibility. |
He does no one any favors, other than the oligarchs, pretending to be a legitimate, honest journalist.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:56 AM
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