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The Bolivian racist separatists in the East are attempting to mobilize against Morales'

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-07-09 09:12 PM
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The Bolivian racist separatists in the East are attempting to mobilize against Morales'
government, using the excuse he has been "terrorizing" them by having Bolivian police attempt to arrest and try the assassins. O.K.!

This is a google translation from a local source:
Bolivia: The East is mobilized in favor of Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz, May 8, 2009

Civic organizations of Beni, Chuquisaca, Pando, Tarija and Santa Cruz decided to launch a protest plan to protect Santa Cruz after Cruz leaders accused of having links with terrorists. The accusation is promoted by the Ministry of La Paz.

Civic leaders Llápiz George Leigue (Beni), Herve Salvatierra (Pando), Patricia Galarza (Tarija), John Cava (Chuquisaca) and Luis Nunez (Santa Cruz) showed their support for the institutional and Cruz have decided to seek a simultaneous action in all five departments.

This Sunday is also celebrated as the Day of Santa Cruz tradition with a march to 'protest against the abuses and atrocities of the Procuracy and the Government. The newly established Bolivian Youth Coordinator also plans on Friday, May 22 to conduct simultaneously in the capitals of departments across the country, a protest march in opposition to the interference and abuse of power by government.

The march of May 22, young people also asked the opposition leaders to decide at once whether or not the National bloc to confront the MAS of Evo Morales in the December elections.

The secretary of Autonomy Prefecture Cruz, Carlos Dabdoub, said that the attacks are part of a government campaign of intimidation and state terrorism towards Santa Cruz. Organizations and institutions in Santa Cruz were declared "state of emergency," and threatened demonstrations and actions in defense of human rights of its leaders accused. Organizations and state institutions Cruz indicated that "a state of emergency and general mobilization of all institutions affiliated with the Comité Pro Santa Cruz."

The prosecutor reported that Marcelo Sosa prefect Ruben Costas, the former civic Branko Marinkovic, the leaders of the farmers, Guido Nayar, and agricultural, Mauricio Roca, also the chairman of the entrepreneurs, Pedro YOVI, among others, were identified possible linkages of the terrorist group led by Eduardo Rózsa, who allegedly preparing an attack against Evo Morales.

The key witness, Villa Ignacio Vargas and accused of giving weapons to Rózsa, Juan Carlos Guedes and Alcides Mendoza, identified as Sosa, all those names.'

So they're dragging out their "Hitler Youth" the Youth Union to embark upon a "march." Why shouldn't they tell them to leave their spike-studded clubs at home during that "march," anyway?

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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-07-09 11:08 PM
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1. This is exactly the type of thing the right wing nutcases do in Venezuela all the time.
They reframe their criminals as civil rights heroes. :crazy:

I hope Evo is ready for these idiots.
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rabs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-08-09 12:56 AM
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2.  Marinkovic, Costas, Nayar, Roca et others are sweating now

because they could be tried for treason.

Bolivian VP García Linera today said those associated with the foreign and Bolivian nationals who comprised the terrorist cell would be tried for treason for supporting the division of Bolivia.

Garcia said charges of treason apply to those who:

-- take up arms against the nation

-- put themselves in the service of foreign nations

-- cooperates with the enemy in case of an international war against Bolivia

-- violates the constitutional laws regarding natural resources

-- attacks the unity of the nation.

--"This crime deserves the maximum penalty of 30 years without pardon." (García Linera)

The separatists could also have their fortunes and properties confiscated, according to an international treaty against the financing of terrorism. Bolivia is a party to the treaty.

(Article in Spanish)ía_Linera_(ABI)

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-08-09 04:10 AM
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3. Wow. This is a long google translation, with new information.
First, there's a reference to the "rings" in Santa Cruz. From what I've gathered, the city is set up in "rings" with the inner circle being the city center, moving out to the 8th ring or so, where the poorer people live, I've read that the inner ring is almost completely occupied by European-descended Bolivians, and indigenous people are still not particularly welcome there.

This is the google translation, with the link to the article in Spanish. You'll see there's some very intersting stuff in this one:

Intelligence submitted a formal report to the February 2 Palace
The government infiltrated the cell for about four months Rózsa

On Monday, the prosecutor Marcelo Soza will go to Santa Cruz to make statements to the retired military Lucio Añez. It is possible that the level of support of the militia members have other, said Deputy Cesar Navarro.

Government authorities with accurate information and details the activities of the alleged terrorist cell on February 2, through an intelligence report prepared based on information supplied by Villa Ignacio Vargas, alias "Old," who infiltrated the group since at least January.

Two members of the committee formed by the Lower House to investigate the case, confirmed the release and expressed their suspicions about the possibility of the Bolivian-Croatian Mario Astorga Tadic, currently held in prison in San Pedro, and Alcides Mendoza Mazabi are other informants of the security agencies.

The first said "so, in the report there are references to Villa," and the latter confirmed that the document is based on data supplied by that person.

Between February 2 and April 16, the movements of the group led by Eduardo Rózsa was followed closely by intelligence personnel displaced from the city of La Paz.

As stated at the time Vice President Alvaro Garcia on Wednesday, April 15 at night, the president Evo Morales gave the order to intervene just before traveling to Venezuela and Trinidad and Tobago on official business.

Hours later, troops from the Tactical Support and Response (UTARA) and the Delta Group, arrived from La Paz, entered the fourth floor of the Hotel Las Americas.

The action ended with the deaths of Eduardo Rózsa Flores (boliviano-Croatian-Hungarian), Michael Dwyer (Irish) and Árpád Magyarosi (Romanian-Hungarian), while Tadic Astorga and Romanian-Hungarian elodes Tóásó were captured alive.

Vargas Ignacio Villa, known as the "Old", was part of a support group for irregular cells in which also included Juan Carlos Guedes Bruno and Mazabi Mendoza, who were suppliers of firearms, as described in intelligence reports brought to the palace.

Witness the "key" of the Prosecution will this afternoon its statements before the judge on Monday Alvaro Melgarejo and will before the investigative commission of the Chamber of Deputies, in advance of a hearing test.

Villa Vargas, 50, suffers from diabetes terminal degree, so that the prosecution wants to present his testimony as soon as possible, because their condition is so delicate that you can die at any moment.

The chairman of the investigating committee of Deputies, César Navarro, reported yesterday that are expected to receive permission from the Attorney for the witness to respond to the questioning of parliamentarians. "We need to be in the best physical condition since the session will last at least seven hours. Must be able to handle all the questions you will. "

In turn, the deputy opposition Bernardo Montenegro said: "We are waiting to give us the time and place for the declaration of Mr. Villa. We also look forward to confirm the presence of a translator for the visit back to the prison of San Pedro with Mr elodes Tóásó, and I were finalizing the first phase, which are all statements that were planned to move to a second stage, which would have been calling for some authorities. Initially the police would provide a clear report of what happened. "

Montenegro made reference to the use of excessive force during the operation of April 16 which ended with the deaths of three alleged mercenaries.

The alleged violation of human rights in the military who had incurred during this operation and the transfer of the two unionist criticism led to La Paz.

The defense of the Hungarian elodes Tóásó announced an international offensive to denounce the mistreatment of their client, who was questioned in English, a language that is not handled correctly.

The support team

The deputies César Navarro, who heads the investigating commission, said that "not excluded" that the operational support group composed of Bruno Guedes, Mendoza and Mazabi Villa Vargas "has other members," as yet "closed-cycle the ascertainment of truth. "

Navarro said that the statements are expected to take Villa Ignacio Vargas and the Romanian-Hungarian elodes Tóásó to complete the first phase and develop the conclusions of the work done so far by the parliamentary team investigating the alleged terrorism.

Villa Bruno Guedes and Vargas were part of the security team Cruceños Youth Union (UJC) during the demonstrations performed during the referendum and autonomy movements in August and September last year, the government described as an attempted "coup civic-prefectural State, "which resulted in various acts of violence, such as taking public institutions, looting and physical attacks of those former Divisional Police Commander Colonel Wilga Wafers.

The first of the seizures is known as "Captain Bruno," not because they were military, as reported at some point, but because he is a fisherman in the rivers of the Beni, where he owns a boat and sell their production to local suppliers in markets in Santa Cruz de la Sierra.

Villa Vargas has no definite occupation, has an extensive criminal record and was at least three occasions, the prison of Palmasola Cruz.

Mendoza Mazabi, according to his statements, he was recruited by Añez Rivera and it was he who initiated contact with Bruno Guedes for providing firearms to Eduardo Rózsa.

Mendoza Mazabi Guedes was described by Bruno as "snitch" when he was interviewed by journalists, two days after his arrest.

The "Captain Bruno was arrested in a police operation on Tuesday, April 28 and taken to La Paz on land, in whose path reported having been subjected to torture and maltreatment.

Mendoza Mazabi without much fuss was arrested and taken to La Paz in a better position, but also handcuffed and blindfolded with masking tape.

"I accuse of terrorism, but my offense was selling a gun to craft Eduardo Rózsa in 1000 U.S. dollars," said Guedes, while Mendoza refused to answer inquiries from reporters in the Office.

Raul Corro, defender of the two unionists ruled out, however, the possibility that their clients had a revealing their comrades.

Meanwhile, opposition deputies Bernardo Montenegro (Democratic and Social Power) and Peter Maldonado (Unidad Nacional) expressed doubts about the reasons for which Tadic was not attacked or beaten during the police operation.

Maldonado told the media suspicions about the attitude of Tadic Astorga, while Montenegro was asked why the part occupied by the Croatian-boliviano no destruction whatsoever.

While beating elodes Tóásó presented in various parts of the body, Mario Tadic said he received some blows, during the proceedings that led to his arrest.

Four alleged financiers of the country left

It was confirmed yesterday that four of the five alleged members of the group of financiers militia outside the country: Alejandro Melgar, Hugo Antonio Acha Melgar, Luis Alberto Hurtado Vaca Lorgio and B. A. known as "Yoyo", while the retired general Añez Lucio Rivera remains in Santa Cruz waiting to give their statements.

Melgar is one of the arbitrators of conciliators Chamber of Industry, Trade, Services and Tourism of Santa Cruz (CAINCO) and delegate of the Agricultural Chamber of the East (CAO) to the Board of the Institute of Foreign Trade Boliviano (IBCE).

Asha, who is currently in United States, is a political analyst and president of the Human Rights Foundation (HRF) in Bolivia.

Hurtado Vaca paid around 60,000 bolivianos for about 70 days of lodging of the seven original members of the group and asked for the bill in your name and number of your identity card (2818155). He is a member of the Supervisory Board of the Santa Cruz Cotas telephone.

Lorgio B. A. was for ten years manager of the Committee for Santa Cruz, owner of three radio stations in the capital Santa Cruz. Is outside the country as a master course.

The only member of this core that resides in Santa Cruz is the military retired Añez Lucio Rivera, who will be questioned on Monday by the prosecutor.

Marcelo Soza, a representative of the Public Ministry paceño will travel to Santa Cruz on Monday, as Añez Rivera can not move to the seat of government for health reasons.

The military withdrawal can not be charged because of his age and thus not be stopped.

Uribe calls for discretion

The state attorney general, Mario Uribe, yesterday recommended to the director of operational research on terrorism, Marcelo Soza, who make statements about the progress of their work does not injure the rights of persons allegedly involved with the group led by Eduardo Rózsa Flores .

While the authority of the Public Prosecutor did not disclose Soza forbade the scope of their work, asked not to harm people who may be innocent and that is mentioned in their testimony, which may cause problems.

Uribe needs to be reminded to safeguard the principle of presumption of innocence of citizens, as enshrined in the Constitution in force in the country, which should not harm the reputation of individuals.

Uribe recommended Soza nor endanger the course of the investigation being conducted.

After knowing these instructions, one version was circulated last night that Soza had decided to depart from the case for that reason, however, two employees of the direct representative of the Public Ministry rejected each in turn, this information and ensure that the Director to inquiries will be kept open at the front of the case on Thursday, April 16.

"A concentration camp"

The lawyer and president of the Colegio de Abogados de La Paz, Bernardo Caballero Wáyar put yesterday questioned the alleged acts of terrorism in Bolivia investigated and requested the intervention of foreign police officers specializing in areas such cases.

"It should allow the incorporation of the foreign police expert on terrorism in order to discover the truth for the material and leave the political research, not even the Congress should join in the investigation of this issue."

He assured that the city of La Paz is turning again in a political concentration camp, because all the people involved with the alleged terrorist cell disarray in Santa Cruz de la Sierra are transferred to the seat of government to be subjected to investigations.

"Peace is made again in a political concentration camp, where the Constitution and international agreements state that the place where research is the fact is, Santa Cruz, so this should be redirected."

Wáyar thus referred to the situation of Tadic Mario Astorga (boliviano-Croatian) and elodes Tóásó (Romanian-Hungarian), captured alive the morning of Thursday, April 16 at the Hotel Las Americas, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, plus members of the Cruceños Youth Union (UJC) and Juan Carlos Guedes Bruno Alcides Mendoza Mazabi captured Tuesday afternoon April 28 in the same departmental capital. Four people were taken to La Paz in the midst of stringent security measures.

The first two are held in complete isolation in the prison of San Pedro, in the seat of government, while it is expected that at any time the last two are brought back to Santa Cruz to serve a house arrest.

Military and direct traffic there is fear in Santa Cruz

Surprisingly, at noon yesterday for motorists who drove the second ring were met with a large group of troops of the Military Police (PM) who assumed the task of traffic police to direct traffic, which aroused susceptibility in the population of a possible militarization of Santa Cruz, in retaliation for the alleged terrorist.

For the four corners of intersections, even where there are lights, the military carried out the respective signs for directing traffic.

"It seems that trying to militarize the city and get scared by what is happening with the leaders of the region," said Jorge Moreno, a driver traveling on the second ring road in the direction of the Three Steps to the Front.

"They want to intimidate our streets and we get soldiers into the streets," he said Gonzalo Flores, a taxi driver who was passing under the command of his vehicle on Avenue Germany.

Division of the Eighth Army did not provide information, but some officials, who preferred not be identified, clarified that this was only practice in the street as part of military training.

The director of Traffic, Jorge Aguila, said it received an order from the command of the Military Police to work with people giving their time of 11.00 to 14.00 on all roundabouts and junctions of the second ring.

"The policemen went to the most troubled intersections in the third and fourth ring, but do not neglect the second ring and leave a cash each crossing.

An analyst, who asked to keep their identity in reserve, said yesterday that the capital Santa Cruz has become a hotbed of rumors of new arrests and accusations. In some levels there is a continuing sense of persecution that began to be felt when the government moved troops toward the border with Brazil and Paraguay from a military unit based in the area Cotapachi, Cochabamba.

The irregular structure of the group


Melgar Alejandro Pereyra Suspected financer Autoexiliado

Hugo Antonio Acha Melgar Suspected financer Autoexiliado

Lorgio B. A. Outside alleged financier of the country

Luis Alberto Hurtado Vaca Suspected Fugitive financier

Eduardo Rózsa Flores alleged mercenaries Died

Deceased Alleged mercenary Michael Dwyer

Árpád Magyarosi alleged mercenaries Died

Tadic Mario Astorga alleged mercenaries arrested

Suspected mercenaries arrested elodes Tóásó

Daniel Gaspar alleged mercenaries Missing

Gabor Dudog alleged mercenaries Missing

Juan Carlos Guedes Bruno Contributor Suspected Arrested

Alcides Mendoza Mazabi alleged collaborators Arrested

Ignacio Vaca Presunto Contributor Hidden Villa

Carlos Guillen alleged support Released

Cell IRREGULAR had three levels that the prosecution has made out. A group of funders, the core paramilitary was going to defend the department and the city of Santa Cruz. A third level had links and partners.

Carlos Guillen went voluntarily to the Prosecution to clarify statements and which sold Germán Aguilera Roca, one of the alias Eduardo Rózsa, a vehicle and was about to sell a property belonging to his mother Periurban. Is represented by counsel Mauritius Ortiz.


Villa Ignacio is one of the whistleblowers. Gave information to the government since January.

The opposition suspects that Alcides Mendoza may be one of the informants Executive.

Mario Tadic was attacked, his piece was in order. That drew the attention of some.

Request Report

Government Minister Alfredo Rada, will appear Tuesday before the Senate.

Explain the scope of the operations April 16 in Santa Cruz.
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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-08-09 04:15 AM
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4. This google translation says the government has 2 thugs from the UJC, the Cruceño Youth Union:
Key witnesses appearing in the event of terrorism in Bolivia

La Paz, 8 may (PL) The Bolivian Attorney today interrogate citizens Villa Ignacio Vargas, alias "El Viejo", considered a key witness in the case of terrorist banda neutralized in Santa Cruz on April 16 last. At the hearing the judge Alvaro Melgarejo also offered their testimonies and Juan Carlos Guedes paraguayo Alcides Mendoza, both members of the Youth Union Cruceños, shock arm of the opposition in the eastern region.

Mendoza is also suspected of supplying weapons to the Europeans and extremist cell planned to assassinate Bolivian President Evo Morales and other leaders, and divide the country.

A lawyer for two suspects, Pedraza Denver, reported that after further requested that the witness is key to the initiation of appropriate evidence and that the hearing be public.

The lawyer then announced that it will offer a press conference, but at the airport in El Alto, where he exhibited evidence brought from Santa Cruz, including photos, listings and a report on arms trafficking in 2007.

After receiving medical care at the hospital Virgen de Copacabana and attend the hearing, Guedes and Mendoza returned to Santa Cruz to meet with the judge's decision Melgarejo, who ordered settlement and house arrest, said the defense.

Guedes said that before Villa Vargas was key to the violent actions of the group of mercenaries.

For their part, Vargas Pedraza explained that Villa was born in Cotoca, Santa Cruz.

"It was the operating arm, strong, Eduardo Rózsa," he said.

He also denied that he was a member of Cruceños Youth Union (UJC), as transpired in the media.

Versions assert that the old media was responsible for recruiting more people to the group illegal.

In the operation in mid-April killed the boliviano Hungarian-Croatian, Eduardo Rózsa, their leader, as well as Magyarosi Arpád (Hungarian-Croatian) Michael Martin Dwyer (Irish).

Moreover, were arrested Mario Tadic Francisco Astorga (boliviano Croatian passport) and Elad Tóásó (Hungarian), who are in custody in La Paz.

Days later apprehended Guedes and Mendoza.
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