Thought I would share an email I received tonight from a person dear to me and who knew and was a friend of President Frei. She last spoke to Frei at a meeting of the Club of Rome in 1981 in Caracas. Frei was a member of the Club of Rome and was one of the dignitaries at the conference. A year later he was dead.
Translation is mine. (MA is the person who knew him) ---------------------------
MA -- Tal vez fue un jueves en la tarde cuando el ex Presidente Frei y yo caminamos con la máxima lentitud y conversamos con la mayor rapidez el Parque Carabobo, regresando desde el Teatro Teresa Carreño hasta el Hotel Caracas Hilton, donde se hospedaba.
Perhaps it was a Thursday afternoon when former President Frei and I strolled with maximum slowness and more rapid conversation in the Carabobo Park, returning from the Teresa Carreño Theater to the Hotel Caracas Hilton where he was staying.
MA -- No fue esa la única vez que conversamos sin testigos, pero sí fue la última vez. Ya casi al despedirnos le dije: It was not the only time we had spoken without witnesses, but it was the last time. As we were saying goodbye, I said to him:
MA -- Don Eduardo, no se vaya aun a Chile, quédese este fin de semana. don Eduardo, don't go yet to Chile, stay here this weekend.
Frei -- No chiquilla! ya hice lo que tenía que hacer aquí… No, little one! I have done what I had to do here ...
MA -- "Hay muchos compatriotas que les gustaría saludarlo y escucharlo. En Chile aun hace frío, disfrute un poco de Caracas… agregué sabiendo que mis argumentos eran muy débiles y su respuesta parecía confirmarlos:
"There are many compatriots who would like to see and listen to you. In Chile it is cold, enjoy Caracas a little I added, knowing that my arguments were very weak and his reply appeared to confirm them.
Frei -- “Hecho de menos la comida de Maruja…” dijo con una ancha sonrisa pero al verme la cara de incredulidad me explicó: Tengo una hernia al hiato que me hace eructar involuntariamente. Es muy desagradable, especialmente en eventos públicos. Debo operarme luego y estar bien para cuando integre la Comisión Brandt.
"I miss Maruja's (Frei's wife) cooking he said with a broad smile, but upon seeing my look of disbelief, he explained. "I have a hiatal hernia that makes me burp involuntarily. It's very disagreeable, especially during public events. I have to be operated soon and be well for when I become a member of the Brandt Commission."
MA -- ¿Pretende operarse en Chile?
Do you plan to be operated in Chile?
Frei -- Si, es una operación casi insignificante.
Yes, it's an almost insignificant operation.
MA -- Don Eduardo, con mucho aprecio y respeto, no se opere en Chile.
don Eduardo, with much esteem and respect, do not (be) operated on in Chile.
MA -- Su reacción no fue de enojo porque raras veces parecía enojado pero sí de malestar. “¿Tu también desconfías de nuestros médicos?”, me respondió seriamente.
His reaction was not one of anger, because it was rare that he appeared angry, but one of irritation.
Frei -- "You too are distrustful of our doctors?" he responded seriously.
MA -- No señor, no son preocupaciones médicas, son políticas. Usted es la cabeza visible de la oposición.
No sir, (my) concerns are not medical, they are political. You are the visible head of the opposition.
Frei -– Pamplinas! (o algo así) no soy tan importante y me entusiasma formar parte de la Comisión Brandt.
Nonsense! (or something similar), I am not so important, and it excites me to be part of the Brandt Commission.
MA -- Don Eduardo, si es tan simple opérese en Estados Unidos… o aquí, o en Buenos Aires, le sugerí ya desanimada.
don Eduardo, if it is so simple (have the) operation in the United States, or here (Caracas) or in Buenos Aires.
Frei -- No creo que los militares se atrevan a asesinarme…
I don't think the military would dare to assassinate me.
MA -- Nos dimos un largo abrazo o mejor dicho, me abrazó y casi desaparecí del escenario y se despidió… “Chiquilla, espero verte en Chile otra vez”.
We gave each other a long hug, or better said, he hugged me and I almost disappeared (in his arms) and he said goodbye saying "Little one, I hope to see you in Chile again."
MA -- Eduardo Frei Montalva ya no era Presidente cuando fue asesinado pero representaba el espolón de libertad y humanismo que requería Chile en su largo reguero de sangre. El Humanismo no se impone a través de la mira de una metralleta.
Eduardo Frei Montalva was no longer president when he was assassinated but he represented a link to freedom and humanism that Chile needed in its long bloodbath. Humanism cannot be imposed through the sights of a machinegun.