Carolina Tohá

Frei embraces his new campaign manager Carolina Tohá in Santiago on Monday.

Tohá resigned today from Michelle Bachelet's Cabinet to take over Frei's campaign for the runoff next month. In accepting her resignation, Bachelet today said her ex-spokeswoman represents Chile's younger generation, women and the new style of politics in Chile.
Tohá is a former Socialist who joined the PPD (leftist Party for Democracy of former President Ricardo Lagos) and who has been Bachelet's Minister of the Presidency and chief spokeswoman.
Her task now is to swing progressives who voted for MEO over to Frei's campaign.
For those who are not fully aware of her background, Tohá is another of those who lost their father to the Pinochet dictatorship. The family was forced to live in exile in Mexico City for several years.

Her father was José Tohá, Interior and Defense Minister in the Salvador Allende government. He was arrested (photo shows him reporting to the Defense Ministry) the day of the Sept. 11, 1973 coup along with Orlando Letelier and other top Allende officials.
He was sent with the others to Dawson Island, a makeshift prison camp in the freezing Strait of Magellan.
José Tohá was later returned to Santiago with the others after an international outcry over the harsh conditions on Dawson Island.
He was repeatedly interrogated and tortured at the Air Force Academy until he, according to the Pinochet Junta, committed "suicide" at the army's military hospital in Santiago.
There was a big problem with the "suicide." The pinochetistas said he had hanged himself in a hospital-room closet. But witnesses later testified that José Tohá was too weak to even get out of bed, much less hang himself. At his death he weighed about 105 pounds.
The witnesses testified that the closet bar was about five feet from the floor. José Tohá was 6'5'' tall so it would have been impossible for him to hang himself with his legs doubled on the floor. A forensic doctor later testified that José Tohá had been strangled.
His widow still has an engraved copper plate that says: "To Jose and Moy, with eternal loyalty and affection, Augusto (Pinochet) and Lucia."
http://grace.evergreen.edu/~arunc/texts/chile/torre/tanquetazo_files/tancazo.jfif José Tohá with military officers on the day the army loyal to Allende put down the "Tanquetazo" coup attempt three months before the Sept. 11 coup. You can see how tall he was compared to the milicos.